Department of Economics
Department of Economics

Economics Department Major Collaborations

The Lahore School of Economics is engaged in multiple international and local partnerships which focus on knowledge exchange. These international partnerships include:

  1. International research partnerships with top level foreign universities (such as Columbia University, MIT, Yale University, Oxford University and University of Warwick) and research institutions (such as the International Growth Centre (UK), Private Enterprise Development in Low Income Countries (UK), the National Science Foundation (US) and the British Academy (UK).
  2. International student and faculty exchange programs through MOUs. Lahore School of Economics has the following ongoing exchange programs with 6 international partner universities.
  3. Industrial Collaborations: The Lahore School has currently 1 industrial collaboration with the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI).

Partner Universities:

  • Undergraduate Exchange Program with Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • Undergraduate Exchange Program with Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Undergraduate Exchange Program with University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Post Graduate Exchange Program with the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • PhD. Economics Student Exchange Program with the University of Oxford, UK
  • PhD. Economics Student Exchange Program with the University of Warwick, UK

Industrial Collaborations:

  • Lahore School of Economics and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Collaboration

Recent News on Collaborations

Lahore School of Economics Undergraduate Students Visit Macquarie University, Australia on Study Tour in August, 2016

The Lahore School of Economics arranged a two week study tour for five of its students at Macquarie University, Australia in August, 2016. These students had the opportunity to interact with their fellow students from the host university and attended special classes on Social Entrepreneurship by Associate Professor, Debbie Haski. The students also went siteseeing in Sydney.

© Lahore School of Economics 2025 - Department of Economics