Department of Economics
Department of Economics

External Events

Farah Said (Department of Economics and CREB) presents her research at the American Economic Association Conference in January 2019

The annual meeting, held in conjunction with the American Social Science Association (ASSA), comprises of over 500 paper and panel sessions allowing esteemed economists from around the world to present their work. The conference was an excellent opportunity to present cutting-edge research conducted at the Lahore School and receive feedback on on-going work. Ms. Said presented her paper "When nudge comes to shove: Demand for commitment in microfinance contracts", co-authored with Uzma Afzal (University of Nottingham), Giovanna d'Adda (University of Milan), Marcel Fafchamps (Stanford University) and Simon Quinn (University of Oxford). The paper was well received by attendees and is a good example of the rigorous research being carried out by researchers at the Lahore School.

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