Department of Economics
Department of Economics

External Events

Researcher from CREB, Lahore School of Economics, represents South and East Asia in the conference on Advances with Field Experiments at the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA

Ms. Farah Said, Assistant Professor & Research Fellow at CREB, Lahore School of Economics, with researchers from the University of Southern California,Tufts, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, UC Berkley, London School of Economics, NYU, and other renowned universities attended the conference on innovative economic field experiments held at the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA on 15-16th September, 2016. This year, the conference was hosted by the Department of Economics, University of Chicago and was organized by Dr. John List, Dr. Robert Metcalfe (University of Chicago) and Dr. Anya Samek (University of Southern California). Ms. Said presented her work on demand for agency shown in households in Pakistan. Ms. Said was the only researcher from South and East Asia who presented her paper in the conference.

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