Department of Economics
Department of Economics


Dr. Theresa Thompson Chaudhry

Professor, Department of Economics and Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Theresa Chaudhry is Professor of Economics and a fellow of the Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB) at the Lahore School of Economics. She is also a research affiliate with the International Growth Centre (IGC) in the UK. She received a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in 1996, and a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2005. Prior to teaching at the Lahore School, Dr. Chaudhry worked at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. on issues of public finance and public sector governance.

Dr. Chaudhry teaches microeconomics for the BSc Economics, MPhil Economics, and PhD Economics programs, and has supervised both BSc and MPhil theses. She also serves as an editor of the Lahore Journal of Economics, a bi-annual scholarly journal cited in the JEL. Her current on-going projects include survey-based and experimental research in Punjab, Pakistan on i) consanguineous marriage, ii) firm-level productivity, iii) child health, and iv) conditional cash transfers for girls' secondary schooling.

Research Interests

Firm Productivity, Child Health and Education


Microeconomic Theory for BSc Economics, MPhil Economics, and PhD Economics


Her published research includes:

Journal Publications:

"Same Jeans Same Stitch? A Comparison of Denim Production across Three Factories in Punjab, Pakistan," (with Mahvish Faran), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2016 (forthcoming).
"Organization, Management, and Wage Practices in Pakistan's Electrical Fan and Ready-Made Garment Sectors," (with Mahvish Faran), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2015.
"Exporters in Pakistan and Firms Who Do Not Export: What's the Big Difference," (with Muhammad Haseeb), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2014.
"Microinsurance in Pakistan: Progress, Problems, and Prospects," (with Fazilda Nabeel) The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2013.
"Los Clusters y el Uso de Marcas Colectivas en Censorcios de Exportaction," Trimestre Economico, 50(1): Jan- March 2013.
"Prospects for Cooperative Marketing among Surgical Instrument Producers in Pakistan," The Lahore Journal of Economics, 16(1), 2011.
"Norms of Cooperation, Trust, Altruism, and Fairness: Evidence from Lab Experiments on Pakistani Students," (with Misha Saleem), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2011.
"Contracting and Efficiency in the Surgical Goods Cluster of Sialkot, Pakistan," South Asia Economic Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2011.
"Estimating Residential Electricity Demand Responses in Pakistan's Punjab," The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2010.
"Relational Contracting in Pakistan's Surgical Instrument Cluster: An Empirical Study," Pakistan Development Review, 49(3): Autumn 2010.
"Microeconomic Flexibility in India and Pakistan: Employment Adjustment at the Firm Level", The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2009.
"The Effects of Rising Food and Fuel Costs in Pakistan," (with Azam Chaudhry), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2008.
"Industrial Clusters in Developing Countries: A Survey of the Literature," The Lahore Journal of Economics, 10 (2), Winter 2005.
"The impact of decentralization on service delivery, corruption, fiscal management and growth in developing and emerging market economies: A synthesis of empirical evidence," (with Anwar Shah and Heng-Fu Zou), CESifo DICE Report: Journal for Institutional Comparisons 2004: 1.

Book Chapters

"Beyond the Poverty Line: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Poverty in Pakistan," (with Azam Chaudhry, Muhammad Haseeb, and Uzma Afzal), in Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (ed.) Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Cambridge University Press, 2015.

"Implementing Decentralized Local Governance: A Treacherous Road with Potholes, Detours, and Road Closures," (with Anwar Shah), in Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (ed.) Reforming Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and the Rebuilding of Indonesia, Edward Elgar Press, 2004.


"Understanding Productivity in the Pakistani Garment Sector," report for the IGC, (with Azam Chaudhry, Rocco MacChiavello, and Chris Woodruff), 2016.

"Incentives and Productivity: Work Groups vs. Production Lines," report for the IGC, (with Chris Woodruff), 2013.

"Mainstreaming Anti-Corruption in World Bank Assistance: A Review of Progress Since 1997," a major report to the World Bank Executive Board, (with Anwar Shah and others), 2004.

Latest Working Papers

"Health and Socio-Economic Effects of Cousin Marriage: Evidence from A Quasi-Random Research Design," (with Mushfiq Mobarak, Julia Brown, Tatyana Zelenska, M. Nizam Khan, Shamyla Chaudry, Rana Abdul Wajid, and Alan Bittles).

Ongoing Projects

  • Causes and Consequences of Consanguineous Marriage in Pakistan Incentives and Productivity: Work Groups vs. Production Lines in Pakistani Electric Fan Production (with Chris Woodruff)
  • Pilot Benchmarking of Productivity in the Pakistani Garments Sector (with Chris Woodruff and Rocco MacChiavello, and Azam Chaudhry, Lahore School)
  • Conditional-Cash Transfers for Girls' Secondary Schooling in Rural Punjab, Pakistan
  • Consanguineous Marriage and Investments in Children (with Rabia Arif)
  • Birth Order, Gender, and Child Nutritional Status in Punjab (with Maha Khan)
  • Rural Household Finance, Child Labor, and Education in Punjab (with Gwen Tedeschi)

Conferences Attended

Growth Week, International Growth Centre, London School of Economics, Sept. 2014.

Growth Week, International Growth Centre, London School of Economics, Sept. 2012.

Degrees :
BSFS Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
MA Economics, University and Maryland, College Park, USA
PhD Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Email :
Tel : 0423-656-0969, ext. 103
Website :

Office : J-11, #D

Member of :

  • Research Affiliate, Firm Capabilities, International Growth Centre (IGC), UK
  • Fellow, Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB), Lahore School of Economics
  • Research Fellow, Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP)

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