Department of Economics
Department of Economics


Shamyla Chaudry

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Research Interests

Technology in Industry.


Intro to Micro, Intro to macro, Macro Economics, Monetary Economics, Environmental Economics, Public Finance & Marketing.


"Estimating the Health and Socioeconomic Effects of Cousin Marriage in South Asia." with Mobarak, A. Mushfiq, Theresa Chaudhry, Julia Brown, Tetyana Zelenska, M. Nizam Khan, Rana Abdul Wajid, Alan H. Bittles, and Steven Li. n.d. in the Journal of Biosocial Science. Cambridge University Press, 1-18, (2018) doi:10.1017/S0021932018000275.

"Organizational Barriers to Technology Adoption: Evidence from Soccer-Ball Producers in Pakistan," with David Atkin, Azam Chaudhry, Amit K. Khandelwal and Eric Verhoogen, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132(3), 1101-1164,(2017)
"On the Origins and Development of Pakistan's Soccer-Ball Cluster," with David Atkin, Azam Chaudhry, Amit K. Khandelwal and Eric Verhoogen in the World Bank Economic Review, 30 (S1), S34-S41, (2017).
"Markup and Cost Dispersion across Firms: Direct Evidence from Producer Surveys in Pakistan," with David Atkin, Azam Chaudhry, Amit K. Khandelwal and Eric Verhoogen in the American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, (2015).
Chaudry, Shamyla. "Increasing Global Competitiveness: A Case for the Pakistan Economy." The Lahore Journal of Economics 12 (2007).

Projects & Dissertations(Completed)

March 2017 "What are the Factors that Contribute to Job stress in Academia? Experience of a Higher Education Institution in Lahore, Pakistan."
2011-2016 "Technological Spillover Analysis in the Sialkot Soccer Ball Industry." Study in collaboration with MIT and Columbia University
2009- 2010 "Punjab Consanguinity survey 2009-2010."
June 1996 " Traditional Knowledge Systems & the Metal fabrication Industry in Pakistan. A Case Study of the Surgical instruments Industry in Sialkot."

Projects (Ongoing)

2017-to date "What are the Barriers to Industrial Upgrading? Evidence from the surgical-goods sector in Sialkot, Pakistan." Study in collaboration with MIT and Columbia University

2015-to date "Investigating the extent to which high costs of high-quality inputs are a barrier to upgrading in the Sialkot Soccer Ball Industry." Study in collaboration with MIT and Columbia University

Conferences Attended

Lahore School Annual Conferences on the Management of the Pakistan Economy

Degrees :
M.Sc. in Industrial Relations and Workplace Learning, Leicester University, UK, 2017
MSc. in Economics, Finance and Management, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan (1996)
BA, Kinnaird College for Women Lahore

Email :
Tel : 0300 8096004/042 35758652/04235753606
Office : 04236560904 ext 208

Recent News: Rexine intervention project

Advisor: Student Advisor Economics Programme

Member of : Alumni & Economics Society

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