Maryiam Haroon
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics & Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB)
Research Interests
Industrial organization, Development Economics and Applied Microeconomics
Research Methods, Research Project, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Pakistan Economy and History of Economic Thought
Economic Geography and Misallocation in Pakistan's manufacturing hub (with Theresa Chaudhry and Mohammad Haseeb) The Annals of Regional Science, 2017, pp. 1-20.
Haroon, M. Free Trade: Does Myopic Policy Overlook Long-Term Gains. The Lahore Journal of Economics, 2017.
The Economic Impact of New Firms in Punjab (with Azam Chaudhry) The Lahore Journal of Economics,
Special Edition, September 2015, pp.143-182.
Growth in Pakistan: Inclusive or Not? (with Zunia Tirmazee) Pakistan Development Review Special Edition
54 (4), 2015, pp.335-350.
The Birth of Exporters: Entry and Scale of Firms in Punjab's Export Sectors (with Azam Chaudhry and Marjan Nasir) The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, September 2012, pp.191-212
Working Paper
Where Do New Firms Locate? The Effects of Agglomeration on the Formation and Scale of Operations of New Firms in Punjab, (with Azam Chaudhry), Economics Discussion Papers 2014-21, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
The Effects of Agglomeration on the Formation and Scale of Operation of New Firms, CREB Working Paper No. 03-13, 2013.
Conferences Attended
How close is close enough? Geographical Proximity: externalities versus competition, The Place Dimension of Cities and Regions: Governance, Industrial Development and Sustainability, Annual Conference, Regional Studies Association (November, 2017).
The Economic Impact of New Firms in Punjab, Lahore School of Economics 11th Annual International Conference on the Management of Pakistan Economy, Lahore, Pakistan (March, 2015).
Growth in Pakistan: Inclusive or Not?. 30th AGM and Conference of the Pakistan Society of Development Economics (PSDE), Islamabad, Pakistan (December, 2014).
The Birth of Exporters: Entry and Scale of Firms in Punjab's Export Sectors, Lahore School of Economics 8th Annual International Conference on the Management of Pakistan Economy, Lahore, Pakistan (2012).
- Evaluating the Impact of Agglomeration Externalities on Firm's productivity, Prices and Wages
- Analyzing the Role of Horizontal and Vertical Linkages on Product Adoption Behavior of Firms in Punjab, matching firms across three different time periods to create a panel by using secondary data.
Workshops And Other Events Attended
- Structural Equation Modeling I and II, conducted by Global School in Empirical Research Methods GSERM, University of St. Gallen (June, 2017)
- STATA: Data Manipulation and Analysis, conducted by Ines Rombach at IT services, University of Oxford, (January, 2015)
- University of Oxford, Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, Oxford (Visiting recognized doctoral student , 2015)
- Faculty Development Workshops conducted by the Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017).
Degrees :
Candidate for Ph.D. Economics, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
M.Phil. in Economics, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
BSc. (Hons.) Double Majors in Economics and Finance, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
Email : mariyamharoon@gmail.com, maryiam@lahoreschool.edu.pk
Tel : +92-42-36561230 Ext. 182
Office : CREB
Recent News : Currently working on a PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Naved Hamid, Director of Centre for Research in Economics and Business