Department of Economics
Department of Economics


Dr. Rashid Amjad

Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS)

Dr. Amjad is the Director of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS). He was Vice-Chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) for a term of five years 2007-2012. He served for two and a half years (2008-10) as Chief Economist at the Pakistan Planning Commission and as Member, Planning Commission. Dr. Amjad taught at the Punjab University, Lahore for seven years between 1969 and 1980, when he left to join the ILO. In the ILO, he held a number of positions including Director, South East Asia and the Pacific and Director, Employment Strategy Department. He was Chief of the ILO's World Employment Report Team and principal author of two of ILOs global reports on "Employability and Training" and "Life at Work in the Information Economy", published in 1998 and 2001 respectively. Dr. Rashid has published a number of books and a large number of articles in internationally recognized journals.

Research Interests

Macroeconomics, Public Policy


Rashid Amjad , 2017, The Cost of migration from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia and the UAE in Rashid Amjad (edited), The Pakistani Diaspora: Corridors of Opportunity and Uncertainty, Lahore School of Economics (forthcoming).
Rashid Amjad, 2017, Remittances and Poverty: A Comparison of Bangladesh and Pakistan 2000-2016, forthcoming.
Rashid Amjad, 2016, The Challenges of a Resilient Economy, in Ishtiaq Ahmad and Adnan Rafiq (edited), Pakistan's Democratic Transition: Change and Persistence, Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics, Routledge, UK.
Rashid Amjad and Namra Awais, 2016, Pakistan's productivity performance and TFP trends 1980-2015: Cause for real concern, Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol. 21 (Special Edition), Lahore School of Economics.
Rashid Amjad, 2015, What Holds Back Manufacturing in South Asia, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. L No. 10, March 17, 2017.
Rashid Amjad, 2015, "Expanding employment opportunities: Embedding "Human Utilisation in the Post-2015, MDGs, in Tanaka, E, S. Mazumdar and M. Sengupta (edited), Human Development in the Global South: Emerging Perspectives in the Era of Post-Millennium Development Goals, Institute of Human Development / Manah Publications, Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Rashid Amjad, 2015, Economic Management under IMF Tutelage, in Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (edited), Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Cambridge University Press.
Rashid Amjad, M. Irfan and G.M. Arif, 2015. An Analysis of the Remittances Market in Pakistan, in Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (edited), Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Cambridge University Press.
Rashid Amjad, 2014, "Pakistan's Growth Spurts and Reversals: A Historical Perspective, Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol. 19, Special Edition, Lahore School of Economics.
Rashid Amjad, 2012, Generating Decent Work: How Labour Market Institutions Matter, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Volume 56, Number 1, January-March, 2013.
Rashid Amjad, 2006, "Why Pakistan Must Break into the Knowledge Economy", The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition.
Rashid Amjad, 2005, "Skills and Competitiveness: Can Pakistan Break out of the Low Level Skills Trap", Pakistan Developmental Review, Vol. 44, number 4; Part 1.
Rashid Amjad, 2005, "Pakistan's Poverty Reduction Strategy: Why Employment Matters", The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition.
Rashid Amjad, 2003, "Remittances and Development in South Asia", South Asian Review, No. 6, (2004). "Solving Pakistan's Poverty Puzzle: Whom hould we Believe? What should we Do", Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 42, No. 4.
Rashid Amjad, 1997, "Macroeconomic Policies and their Impact on Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan", (with A. R. Kemal), Pakistan Development Review, 36:1.
Rashid Amjad, 1999, "Employability in the Global Economy and the Importance of Training", Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4.
Rashid Amjad, 1996, "International Labour Migration and its implications in the APEC Region", Journal of Philippine Development, No. 40, Vol. 23.
Rashid Amjad, 1996, "Philippines and Indonesia: On the Way to a Migration Transition", Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2-3.
"Asian Labour Migration in the Middle East: Lessons and Implications", in Gooneratne, W, Philip L. Martin and Hidehiko Sazanami (eds), Regional Development Impacts of Labour Migration in Asia, UNCRD Research Report Series, No. 2, UNCRD (Nagoya).
Rashid Amjad, A. R. Khan and E. Lee (eds.), 1994, "Poverty in Rural Pakistan", (with M. Irfan), in A. R. Khan and E. Lee (eds.), Poverty in Rural Asia Asian Employment Programme, ILO, Bangkok.
Rashid Amjad, 1992,"The Dynamics of Asian Labour Migration", in Japan Institute of Labour, Present Issues of International Migration: How can the Sending and Receiving Countries Co-operate? Proceedings of the 1992 Asian Regional Conference on Industrial Relations, Tokyo.
Rashid Amjad and Gus Edgren, 1991,"Role of Labour Markets in Employment Generation and Human Resources Development in Asian Countries", in Guy Standing and Victor Tokmen (eds.), Towards Social Adjustment: Labour Market Issues in Structural Adjustment, ILO Geneva.
Rashid Amjad, 1986, Impact of Workers' Remittances from the Middle East on Pakistan's Economy: Some Selected Issues", Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 25, No. 4.
Rashid Amjad and Christopher Colclough, 1986, "Manpower Planning and Employment Issues in Developing Countries, (with Christopher Colclough), Working Paper No. 7, Aspect of Labour Market Analysis and Employment Planning, World Employment Research Program, ILO Geneva.
Rashid Amjad, 1982, "Industrial Relations and the Political Process in Pakistan (with Khalid Mahmood), Research Series No. 73, International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO Geneva.
Rashid Amjad, 1977, "Profitability and Industrial Concentration In Pakistan", Journal of development Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3.


Rashid Amjad (edited), 2017, The Pakistani Diaspora: Corridors of Opportunity and Uncertainty, Lahore School of Economics (forthcoming) Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (Edited), 2015, Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Cambridge University Press


Rashid Amjad and Anam Yusuf, 2014, More and Better Jobs for Pakistan: Can the Manufacturing Sector Play a Greater Role, Monograph Series, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, Lahore School of Economics.

Newspaper Articles:

  • Rashid Amjad, "An Undervalued Economy", Dawn, 20 February, 2017.
  • Rashid Amjad, "Has the Economy improved?" Dawn, 18 November, 2016.
  • Rashid Amjad, "Labour's Slow Pace, Dawn, 19 April, 2016.
  • Rashid Amjad, "Time to say goodbye to IMF?" Dawn, 19 November, 2015.

Degrees :
PhD. & B.A (Hons)., University of Cambridge, UK
Bachelors in Economics and Political Science, Government College, Lahore, Pakistan

Email :
Tel : +92 42 35771545

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