Department of Economics
Department of Economics


Dr. Fareeha Zafar

Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS)

Dr. Zafar was Director Society for the Advancement of Education (SAHE), Lahore from 1995 to 2012. She also served for five years as Director at the Centre of Excellence for Women's Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore. From 1992 to 1995, she was an Associate Professor at Department of Geography, University of the Punjab.


"Rural class formation in the Punjab under colonial rule", Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, Vol. XXIII, No.4, (1989).
"The Changing Pattern of Indebtedness and Land Transfers in the Punjab Canal Colonies During British Rule". Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie, Jg29 Heft 2, S. 126-136, (1985).
"Impact of Irrigation on Land Tenure in the Punjab". Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, Vol. XXIII, No.1, (1984).
"Land Tenure in the Punjab". Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society. Vol. XXII. No.4, (Jan. 1982 - Dec. 1983).
"Policy, Institutions and Agricultural Production: The Punjab Colony Districts, 1880 to 1940". Pakistan Geographical Review, Vol. 37, No.1&2, (1982).
"Irrigation and cropping patterns in the Punjab Canal Colony Districts, 1890-91 to 1940- 41", Pakistan Geographical Review, Vol. 36, No. 1&2, (1981).
"Changes in land price in the Punjab Canal Colony Districts, 1881-1931", Pakistan Geographical Review, Vol. 35, No. 1 &2, (1980).

Degrees :
Ph.D. in Geography, University of London, UK
M.A. in Geography, University of Punjab, Pakistan

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